Monday, February 13, 2012

I'm Thinking About You

I'm thinking about you like honey thinks about bees,
and Seven things about seas,

Like birds think about trees,
and professionals think about ease.

I'm thinking about you like computers think about electronics,
and words think about phonics,

Like booms think about sonic,
and back pains think about chronic.

I'm thinking about you like the sun thinks about light,
and U.F.C. thinks about the fight,

Like choosing thinks about right,
and dark thinks about night.

I'm thinking about you like Rocky thinks about Bullwinkle,
and stars think about twinkle,

Like chips think about pringles,
and Love thinks about wrinkles.

I'm thinking about you like heat thinks about the sun,
and Spongebob thinks about F.U.N.,

Like finished thinks about done,
and I think your the ONE.


  1. Some good lines. Some that made me think. Like the professionals thinking about ease. What does that mean? I could tell you what I think it means, but what do you think it means?

    I liked the rhyming. But sometimes the constant rhyming gets in the way. Sometimes it's better to have some lines that don't rhyme, if that makes sense.

    But good job. I'm so proud of you. I'm getting emotional (not really).

  2. Best one ive read so far. Definately a favorite.

  3. I really like the line, Like love thinks about wrinkles. Its so true!I love seeing those old people who are so in love and hold hands.

  4. really good post :) inspired :) im thinking about you #creepedoutyet

  5. Im thinking about you like i'm thinking about collldd feeett..
